Following a pilot year regarding the “no tick rule” rule for both men and women, the decision was taken by the World Curling Federation (WCF) to extend this rule to all competitions except for the mixed doubles and wheelchair categories. As a result, Curling Canada is now adding this new rule for the 2023-2024 season. Being a new rule in Curling Canada’s general rules during the Olympic cycle, an additional page will be added to the 2022-2026 rule book. Please note the new rule:
If, prior to the delivery of the sixth stone of an end, a delivered stone causes, either directly or indirectly, an opposition stone in the Free Guard Zone (FGZ) which is touching the centre line to be moved to an off-centre line position, the non-offending team has the option to:
(i) remove the delivered stone from play, and replace all stones that were displaced to their positions prior to the violation taking place; or
(ii) leave all stones where they came to rest.

As this is an official rule of curling, all clubs should apply it for the 2023-24 season. However, as league play is not officiated or sanctioned by Curling Quebec, clubs can choose to use any rules they feel will benefit their members. Curling Québec will apply this rule at all provincial championships as well as for all tournaments and circuits (U15, U18, U20, men, women, seniors, colts).
During a competition, if there is any doubt as to whether or not the stone touches the line, it is possible to use a right-angle triangle to measure it. You simply place the corner of the triangle on the center-line and if it also touches the stone, then the stone is automatically in the no-tick zone. It is highly recommended to procure a plastic triangle (as opposed to wood or metal) and to keep it cold in the ice shed to avoid leaving marks/melted spots on the ice during measurement. Here is an example of a plastic triangle: