Successful “Make Ethical Decisions” Evaluation
Information from Coach Canada about this module. Update since May 1st, 2017.
Coaches must successfully complete the “Make Ethical Decisions” (MED) module of the course online in order to receive their certification in any NCCP program. This section is offered by Sports Quebec.
There are two ways to complete this step:
1. Following the workshop and make the online evaluation:
Take the MED course offered by Sports Quebec (see the calendar here: ). The MED module belongs to ‘Partie A’ (the MDE is on the second day of that Partie A workshop). Click on the calendar and subcribe online.
Then complete the evaluation online by clicking on the following link , log in to the Locker using your NCCP # and password, then select “Make Ethical Decisions Online Evaluation – Competition – Introduction” from the column on the left-hand side of the page.
There is no cost for this as it is included in the cost of the workshop
A coach can attempt the exam as many times as required in order to successfully pass the evaluation.
Duration of workshop: 3.5 hours
Cost: $75 (tax included) for MED workshop and online evaluation
2. Make the online evaluation without following the workshop:
Take the test at the following link log in to the Locker using your NCCP # and password, then select “Make Ethical Decisions Online Evaluation – Competition – Introduction” from the column on the left-hand side of the page.
Without the MED training, coaches are given two chances to pass the exam with a mark of 75% or higher, after which if they have not been successful they must register for the MED course.
Cost for online evaluation: $85 (tax included)
Certification Step 1: Preparing a Practice Plan
At the beginning of this step, Curling Quebec will match each coach with an evaluator that will follow him/her throughout the process of certification.
After completing the course and the MED module, the competition coach must create a practice plan (in writing) which will be sent to the examiner at least two weeks prior to the final evaluation. Some examples of practice plans are available on request. The evaluator will either accept the practice plan as is, or they will propose some corrections.