Recognition committee

The recognition committee, under the board of directors’ umbrella, is responsible for the following projects and records:

  • “Meritas” Awards
  • Recognition of members, clubs, employees and administrators

The committee is made up of 3 or 4 of Curling Quebec’s board members as well as the general director of CQ. The committee members are authorized to enlist or consult any person they feel required or helpful. The committee’s mandate ends at the AGM every year, but it is renewable.


The recognition committee’s objectives for the different categories are:

1. For the “Meritas” Awards:

  • Recommend any helpful or necessary modifications to the number of categories and/or their criteria.
  • Determine whether or not to accept the received nominations for all or some of the categories
  • Determine the method of announcing the winners (letter, website, etc.)
  • Determine when the prizes will be awarded (deadline)
  • Make a judgement on and other pertinent question

2. For the Hall of Fame:

  • Make any necessary changes to the statutes and rules.
  • Modify the categories and eligibility criteria if necessary
  • Collect and validate nominations
  • Determine whether or not to accept the received nominations
  • Come up with different ways to honour the recipients.

3. To recognize the clubs:

  • Make any necessary changes to the current constitution (2012)
  • Send letters to clubs on their anniversary every 5 years
  • Send a plaque to clubs on their anniversary every 25 years
    • Plaque for the 25th anniversary
    • Plaque for the 50th anniversary
    • Plaque for the 75th anniversary
    • Plaque for the 100th anniversary
    • Plaque for the 125th anniversary
    • Plaque for the 150th anniversary
    • Plaque for the 175th anniversary
    • Plaque for the 200th anniversary
    • Plaque for the 225th anniversary
    • Plaque for the 250th anniversary, etc…

In all cases, the club must provide one or two potential dates where the president or one another Curling Quebec representative can present the award.

4. To recognize the members:

CQ uses the annual general meeting as an excellent opportunity to honour the people who contributed to the development of curling in Quebec by occupying either the role of the president or the role of a volunteering in an organization affiliated with CQ.

4.1 Presidency

  • Having completed 5 consecutive years of service as the president
  • Any additional 5-year term as the president

4.2 Volunteer

  • Volunteer in a significant position for 10 consecutive years
  • Any additional 5-year term in the same role

5. To recognize the CQ administrators:

A token of appreciation is given to any board member leaving the board after more than two consecutive years of service. The value of the gift is based on the time served on the board as well as the person’s accomplishments for the federation.

6. To recognize CQ employees:

A token of appreciation is given to employees upon their departure from the federation or upon their retirement. The value of the gift is based on the number of years worked at CQ and the person’s responsibilities and accomplishments throughout their career at the federation.