Assistant Curling Ice Technician
The Curling Centre Ice Technician stream starts with training to become an Assistant Curling Ice Technician. This role is earned through a one-day in-person workshop and is suitable for volunteers and other assistants who work under the guidance of a Curling Ice Technician. An Assistant Curling Ice Technician is trained in the basic duties of maintaining curling ice which include scraping, pebbling, nipping, temperature monitoring, opening/closing/draw change procedures, and basic troubleshooting.
Assistant Curling Ice Technicians (and other ice makers who gain experience in the craft via other methods) can train to become Curling Ice Technicians by completing a program focusing on theoretical or practical ice installations. The programs can be completed in person or through a hybrid online and in-person approach.
Curling Ice Techician
In the Curling Ice Technician program, Ice Technicians will be educated on what makes good ice, curling centre safety, refrigeration plant operation, water quality, floors, installation and removal, paint/logo techniques, stone maintenance, environmental management, and more. Completion of the training will give the Ice Technician “Trained” Curling Ice Technician status.
Ice technicians can become “Certified” Curling Ice Technicians by completing an online examination, Safe Sport training, and a successful in-person or video evaluation.
Competition Ice Technician
The new Ice Technician Program also provides a clear path to ice techs with aspirations of making and managing ice at major national and international championships. After completing the Curling Ice Technician requirements, ice technicians must complete a five-day in-person training course to become a Competition Ice Technician.