Hi everyone. Here is your weekly news:
1- Four (4) administrator positions to fill at Curling Québec: The period to register for one(1) of the four(4) administrator positions to be filled on the Board of Curling Québec is now open; you have until August 16th, which is a month before the Annual General Meeting that will happen next September 15th, 2019, to register. The members of the board are elected at the Annual General Meeting. Four (4) people are elected in the odd years and three (3) are elected in the even years. Each board member’s mandate is for a two year period. The mandates are renewable. To download the registration form and to read the ‘Profil et implication document, here’s the link: http://curling-quebec.qc.ca/about-us/board-of-directors/?lang=en |
2-Annual General Meeting – Sunday, September 15th, 2019: (In French only)AVIS DE CONVOCATION À TOUS LES MEMBRES ET PARTENAIRESASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE 2019Dimanche, 15 septembre 2019 à 13 heures Club de curling St-Lambert 660 Avenue Oak, Saint-Lambert (Qc) J4P 2R6Ordre du jour Présentation du rapport du président Présentation des rapports d’activités de la Fédération Présentation du rapport du vérificateur Élection des administrateurs et des dirigeantsTous les membres de Curling Québec sont invités à assister à cette assemblée. Cependant, seuls les délégués votants dûment mandatés par leur association et présents sur place pourront exercer leur droit de vote. Notez que quatre des sept postes d’administrateurs du conseil d’administration seront en élection.Les participants sont également invités à assister, en avant-midi, à une rencontre d’informations plus générales. Voici d’ailleurs l’horaire proposé pour cette importante journée.8h30 Accueil, mot de bienvenue et présentation du programme de la journée 9h00 Début des présentations 11h30 Dîner 13h00 Assemblée générale annuelle 16h00 Levée de l’assembléePour des informations supplémentaires ou pour toutes autres questions, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec notre bureau au 514-252-3088 ou au 1-888-292-2875. |
3- Outstanding Achievement of the year Meritas Award: The 2017-2018 Outstanding Achievement Meritas Award was given to M. Jim Thompson (left on picture) of the Lennoxville curling club by the club’s President, M. Ralph Fanning (right on picture) on April 13th, 2019 during the end of season dinner. Congratulations and many thanks to Mr Thompson for his implication. |
4- School program at the Laurier Curling Club: This past season only, a total of 323 young students (9 elementary school groups and 7 high school groups) were introduced to curling through this unique program. The year ended with a festival presented on April 7 that brought together several new young players and special guests as well. Congratulations to the Laurier Club for this wonderful initiative and we hope that the program will be around for many more seasons as it contributes greatly to the development of the game. For more information: 819-752-9555 or info@curlinglaurier.com |
5-Curling Camp : Jacques Cartier curling club is organizing a curling camp next September 6-7-8, 2019 for juvenile players and teams. For all the details, click on those 2 links : http://curling-quebec.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/CCJC1.jpg http://curling-quebec.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/CCJC2.jpg Happy Easter! |